The Long Game
We all know that life can throw the unexpected at us…just look at the past few years for example…who could have predicted? You’ve reviewed your plan dozens of times and see nothing wrong. Then you read an article which stokes your concerns…one that states that 70% of people over age 65 will have some sort of disabling event that will require assistance of 2 months or longer.

Are Military Health Benefits Enough?
Many people are already comfortable with their post-retirement healthcare situation and those who spent time in the armed forces may think that their current Veterans Administration (VA) or Tricare For Life (TFL) coverage is adequate. However, limiting your coverage to only the military-sponsored programs may cost you in terms of time, energy and, most importantly, coverage!

Medicare Advantage Versus Medicare Supplement
October 15th is the beginning of the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) for Medicare. But what is Medicare anyway? There is much confusion around the topic, particularly between Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement. Generally speaking, Medicare is our national health insurance program in the United States.