4th Quarter Investment Planning Outlook
Before diving into the 4th quarter outlook, let's emphasize the importance of building a robust investment portfolio that guards against various risks. Our strategy actively addresses risks such as equity, interest rates, currency fluctuations, liquidity, credit, inflation, foreign investments, time horizons, and economic downturns.

The Inflation Reduction Proposal: Can Congress Reduce Inflation?
If you're anything like me, you've been staying indoors as much as possible this summer to avoid the record-breaking heat wave. Unfortunately, if this applies to you, it also means you may be unable to avoid a news channel or two. Likely, you may have heard about the latest game of political football being played: the new Inflation Reduction Act that Congress is trying to pass to address the current financial situation.

Market Commentary; The Persistence of Volatility
In this month’s newsletter, I hope to address key parts of our investment strategy, as well as highlight some definite wins and some areas that are still challenging. Seeing losses for the first time in the last 6 years can be challenging. Rest assured that our risk management process is helping to limit those losses.

Risk of Recession
It’s normal to be concerned about your investments given the current situation of the world right now. Over the past few weeks, I have received a few questions around risk that I believe merit further exploration.

Understanding Market Volatility
By understanding how volatility works, you can put yourself in a better position to understand the current stock market conditions as a whole, analyze the risk involved with any particular security, and construct a stock portfolio that is a great fit for your growth objectives and risk tolerance.

We are good for now…
As we head into 2022, it is hard to believe that we have been living with Covid for over two years. I hope we are starting a new chapter in the Covid story. Inflation still does not seem to be the hot conversation topic for investment news. We believe that we have started to hit the peak cycle in the rate of change with respect to inflation. The rate of change of inflation will start to decline but the absolute numbers will be high.