Planning for Retirement: Why Many Are Choosing Not to Downsize
For generations, many Americans have considered downsizing as part of their retirement planning goals. By moving to a smaller home, they could leverage the equity in their existing homes to ensure a comfortable retirement. Yet, as retirement age nears, the decision to downsize isn't as straightforward as it might seem. Many are now choosing to stay put. Here's why:

Optimized Benefits of Grandparents Funding a 529 Plan for Their Grandchildren: Smart Tax Planning for the Future
When it comes to securing a bright future for our children, grandparents can play a significant role. One powerful way they can contribute is by funding a 529 plan, an educational savings account with numerous benefits. In this blog post, we will delve into the advantages of grandparents funding a 529 plan for their grandchildren. We will also explore what happens to excess funds within the plan and the potential opportunities with new rule changes taking into effect in January 2024.

Maximizing Your Charitable Giving: 5 Expert Tips
Charitable giving is one of the most common goals for households with wealth, both pre and post-retirement. A thoughtful charitable giving strategy couples charitable giving desires with a plan around giving that takes into account tax efficiencies, the timing of donations, and the impact of these contributions. To help you plan better in fulfilling your charitable giving desires, we will discuss a few tips to help achieve these goals.
How are Investments Taxed (and How Can I Minimize Them)?
While many people tend to focus on how much money their investments will produce for them, it can be equally as important to understand how the IRS will tax this income. In this post, we’ll explore the tax treatments on interest, capital gains, and dividends, and then discuss how you can use this knowledge to your advantage.