Maximizing Tax Benefits Through Charitable Planning - A Retirees Take on Charitable Giving
In the world of finance, philanthropy often takes a back seat to discussions of wealth accumulation and investment strategies. However, as my encounter with corporate responsibility at a Fortune 100 Company taught me, charitable planning should be a fundamental part of our financial journey. In this article, we'll explore the concept of charitable planning, its significance, and how it can be leveraged to maximize tax benefits.

Maximizing Your Charitable Giving: 5 Expert Tips
Charitable giving is one of the most common goals for households with wealth, both pre and post-retirement. A thoughtful charitable giving strategy couples charitable giving desires with a plan around giving that takes into account tax efficiencies, the timing of donations, and the impact of these contributions. To help you plan better in fulfilling your charitable giving desires, we will discuss a few tips to help achieve these goals.

Charitable Giving: The Donor Advised Option
Because we partner with both Charles Schwab Charitable and Fidelity Charitable, we can help determine whether a donor advised fund would be an appropriate option.