Video FAQ: Liquidity 101
Liquidity refers to an asset that has a ready and waiting market on both sides of the buy-sell equation. If you are selling and there is liquidity, then you most likely will find a buyer willing to pay a fair price. This means you won’t be stuck holding the investment at a time when you need cash.

Video FAQ: What is a Net Unrealized Appreciation Strategy & Is It Right for Me?
We've been getting a lot of questions regarding Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) strategies. This video reviews the basics of NUA as well as some practical examples.

Video FAQ: An Overview of Gift Taxes for 2021
Yes, there is a federal tax on gifts. Here, we explore three ways to avoid certain gift taxes.

Video FAQ: Should I Own Bitcoin in My Retirement Accounts
This video FAQ discusses the potential reasons that you may want to include Bitcoin in yourretirement accounts, and why you may not.

Video FAQ: Selling the House After a Spouse Passes Away
In this video FAQ, we answer the question, “how long do I have to sell my house after my spouse passes away in order to avoid capital gains?

Video FAQ: How Do You Measure Risk Tolerance for Investments?
In this video FAQ, we discuss two approaches for evaluating and managing risk tolerance.

Video FAQ: Do I Need an Immediate Annuity?
This week's question is, "do I need an immediate annuity?" And, the answer is that it depends on how much risk you want to take on, what your time horizon is, and what your other assets are.

Video FAQ: Retirement Emergency Funds & Cash Reserves
When it comes to emergency funds, how much is the right amount? In this video, we look at two different scenarios that would affect the amount of cash reserves that you would want on hand during retirement.